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January | 2019 | Suman Tiwari Travellography, Cyber Security & Photography Blog January 2019 – Suman Tiwari Travellography, Cyber Security & Photography Blog

TOP 5 resources for Security Professionals

  Posted in Cyber Security on

  by Suman Tiwari

Security Domain is very vast domain and there’s plethora of resources and knowledge-base available on internet for free to refer. Here, this article is listing TOP 5 resources that every cyber security consultant should refer on daily basis. Security Domain is very vast domain and there’s plethora of resources and knowledge-base available on internet for …

How to grow garlic at home

  Posted in Flora and Fauna on

  by Suman Tiwari

I am going to share the procedure which I have followed for growing garlic in my balcony. Garlic is very easy to grow. Even a novice gardener or someone who is having very little or zero gardening experience can grow garlic with ease. One can grow it indoor or outdoor. I have planted it in …

Emotet Outbreak

  Posted in Cyber Security on

  by Suman Tiwari


The Emotet banking trojan was first identified in 2014. Emotet was originally designed as a banking malware that attempted to sneak onto your computer and steal sensitive and private information. Later versions of the software saw the addition of spamming and malware delivery services—including other banking Trojans What is Emotet? Emotet is a Trojan that is primarily …

SQL Parameterized Query

This article is all about Sql Parameterized query What is Sql Parameters? Sql parameters are like program method parameters. We pass param to get filtered result.Example:“select * from teacher where name=”+ @name Here @name is parameter. This sql query will return data from teacher table where name will match to the specified value. Why we …